Saturday, July 21, 2007

A month in India

Hi All,

It is so hard to believe that it has been a month since I was last able to enter any new stories here. I have been doing well and have had a positive impact on the job although some days it seems tough. I have been able to see a bit of the city and the surrounding area. I had an afternoon at a beach resort south of town and have been able to get some shopping and reading done. I have a few pictures to add to show a few of the things that I have seen and will tell a few of the funny stories as well.

One evening while I was being driven to work the Driver asked if I would like some music played while we traveled and usually it is Indian music which is fine as it is better than riding with only the car horns to be heard. He then proceeded to put in a CD of English music. Most of it was older songs with quite a bit of country and then there was a song that the voice sounded familiar but I couldn't quite place it until I realized that it was William Shatner. I had no idea he had an album and all I can say is that it was not his forte. I really had to laugh at that one.

As I was reviewing chats a while ago one of the agents had some small talk with the customer and when asked how the weather was he said, "it is very hot, I am half baked." I had to do a double take on that one and later in the evening the program they use to chat was not working so we had an improptu meeting that I explained a number of the things that I was seeing and brought up how the agents deal with small talk and the one that made the comment talked about it and we all had a good laugh when I told him what half-baked means in North America.

I hope that my pictures of the road give a sense of how crazy it can be here. Although there are 3 lanes painted on the road, there are usually at least 5 vehicles in that space at any time. It makes most lights that are here feel like the start of a motocross race as all the bikes work their way to the front to beat the cars off the line. I will have to try and get a picture of this sometime.

There are shrines and temples everywhere in this city and one evening my car had to swerve around a huge group of people that were all on the street infront of one of the shrines. It was not on one of the main streets and was very crowded. I spend at least 2 to 3 hours a day getting to and from work and it can vary depending on traffic and the route that is taken.

Well am off to a nightclub called Dublin this evening, they call it an authentic Irish Pub but from the sounds of it, is more like a regular dance club like Boomers or the Mix. I am still trying to see about getting to Agra and as I have 2 months to go should have time.

Hope everyone is doing well and enjoy the pics.


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