Sunday, June 24, 2007

Moving and moving again

Hi everyone,

Has been a bit since my last message but have not had a lot of opportunities to get to a connection that will let me enter posts here. The first hotel that we were put up in we have now moved from to a nice area of the city but as of tomorrow morning we are moving to another location that is to be our permanent residence for the duration of our stay. I may still be heading to Kochin and Mumbai in the future but have no information on that so far. I have a number of good stories and pictures to add and once I am settled will make sure that I am able to get more onto here. It seems that the weeks are going so fast and yet it is like I have been here for months and only just arrived. There are only a few English channels on the TV and it is funny to see some of the movies that they do show that are all edited for content. As for work, it has gone well so far and I enjoy working with the people that are in the program. I ended up having to give an improptu lesson to the agents on Tuesday when the software did not function but it was received well and hopefully they will use the advice I have given them. Well am off to bed as it will be an early one tomorrow and a long day as well with moving and then work. I still have to get to a store to buy treats for everyone as it is the custom here for the birthday person to treat everyone. Looks like I will just buy a big bag of choclates to share. Hope all is well for everyone and hopefully will have more time soon to add some of my little adventures of this amazing journey.


Peggy said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I like that you have to bring treats on your birthday...what about gifts? Have a good one.

Uncle Jim & Aunt Lynda said...

Hi Happy Belated Birthday.
Hope all is well.Enjoy readung your blog page
Take Care