Sunday, May 27, 2007

Packing and Farewells

With less than 12 hours until I am boarding a plane on this big adventure everything seems to be in this surreal state of change. It is like time has stood still and sped up at the same time. My books and other items are mostly all gone now and only a few more things to put into storage although with the cargo space of my vibe it will take a few trips. I have stuff actually into my suitcases now and am doing many final tasks that seem like the list keeps growing than getting shorter.

Had a great time last night meeting up with my best friends and am glad that those that made it were there. My Grandma's 85th Birthday Party (not Anniversary as I was constantly about to say) was really good and was nice to see so many people that I wanted to talk with before I am on my way. Even got a good picture of me with my nieces and nephews.

Well off to finish up, 3:30am is going to come awfully quick as I clean the last of my stuff up. Will have to continue the blog once I do get into Chennai (Madras) India.

Talk Soon,

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